The Strength Tarot Card: Symbolism, Upright & Reversed Interpretations
The Strength card, the eighth card in the Major Arcana, represents inner power, courage, and the compassionate control of one’s emotions. This card signifies the triumph of the spirit over material concerns and the mastery of raw emotions through patience and compassion. Unlike the brute force implied by its name, Strength is about taming the wildness within with gentle persistence and calm authority.

Symbolism of The Strength Card

The Strength tarot card is filled with symbolic imagery that conveys themes of courage, patience, and the control of raw emotions. Typically, the card features a woman gently holding open the mouth of a lion, a powerful beast symbolizing our primal instincts, desires, and fears. The woman’s calm demeanor and gentle touch suggest that true strength lies not in overpowering force but in quiet confidence and compassion. The infinity symbol above her head represents infinite potential and the mastery of self. The lush landscape in the background symbolizes abundance and peace, indicating that when we align our inner strength with compassion, we create a life of harmony and balance.

Astrological Significance

The Strength card is associated with the zodiac sign Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. Leo is a sign known for its courage, confidence, and leadership, all qualities that resonate with the themes of the Strength card. The connection to Leo highlights the importance of self-expression, creativity, and the warmth of the heart in manifesting inner strength. The Sun’s influence underscores the idea of vitality, personal power, and the life force that drives us to overcome challenges. This astrological link also emphasises the balance between assertiveness and compassion, and the ability to lead with both courage and kindness.

Upright Meaning

Love and Relationships

In love and relationships, The Strength card suggests a relationship that is built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. If you are in a relationship, this card indicates that you or your partner have the inner strength to overcome any challenges that may arise. It encourages patience, compassion, and the ability to handle conflicts with grace rather than aggression. For those who are single, The Strength card suggests that you are in a place where you have the emotional maturity and self-confidence to attract a partner who appreciates your strength and inner beauty. This card also highlights the importance of maintaining your personal power and not losing yourself in a relationship.

Career and Finances

In a career context, The Strength card symbolises perseverance, determination, and the ability to handle work challenges with calm and confidence. It suggests that you have the inner resources to tackle difficult situations, manage stress, and emerge victorious. The Strength card encourages you to lead by example, using your influence to inspire and uplift others rather than dominating or controlling them. Financially, this card represents a steady and disciplined approach to managing your resources. It may also indicate that you have the patience and resilience to see long-term financial goals through to completion.

Health and Spirituality

When it comes to health, The Strength card emphasises the importance of mind-body balance and the power of a positive attitude. It suggests that your mental and emotional strength plays a crucial role in your physical well-being. The Strength card encourages you to approach any health challenges with patience and determination, knowing that you have the inner fortitude to overcome them. Spiritually, this card represents the mastery of lower instincts and the pursuit of higher wisdom. It encourages you to cultivate inner peace, compassion, and spiritual strength, and to use these qualities to guide your spiritual journey.

Reversed Meaning

Love and Relationships

When reversed, The Strength card may indicate a lack of confidence or self-esteem that is affecting your relationships. It could suggest that you or your partner are struggling with self-control, leading to conflicts or imbalances in the relationship. The reversed Strength card may also point to unresolved fears or insecurities that are undermining the connection. It encourages you to work on building inner strength and self-love, as this will positively impact your relationships. In some cases, the reversed Strength card could suggest a tendency to dominate or control others in a way that is harmful to the relationship dynamic.

Career and Finances

In a career reading, the reversed Strength card may indicate feelings of powerlessness or a lack of confidence in your professional abilities. You may be facing challenges that feel overwhelming, leading to frustration or burnout. This card suggests that you need to take a step back, reassess your approach, and focus on rebuilding your confidence. Financially, the reversed Strength card could point to impulsive or reckless decisions that have led to instability. It encourages you to regain control over your finances by adopting a more disciplined and thoughtful approach.

Health and Spirituality

Regarding health, the reversed Strength card may indicate a weakened state, either physically or emotionally. You might be struggling with low energy, stress, or a lack of motivation to take care of yourself. This card suggests that it’s time to focus on rebuilding your strength, both physically and mentally, through self-care and positive thinking. Spiritually, the reversed Strength card can signify a disconnect from your inner power or a struggle with self-doubt. It encourages you to reconnect with your spiritual practices and to cultivate inner resilience and faith in your journey.

Empowerment Tips

  1. Cultivate Self-Compassion: Practice kindness toward yourself, especially when facing challenges. Strength comes from accepting yourself fully and treating yourself with the same compassion you offer others.
  2. Build Emotional Resilience: Strength is about handling emotions with grace. Work on developing emotional resilience by acknowledging your feelings and finding healthy ways to process them.
  3. Lead with Kindness: Whether in relationships or at work, use your influence to uplift others. Strength isn’t about dominating; it’s about guiding and supporting others with empathy and understanding.
  4. Practice Patience: Strength is often about the ability to wait and trust in the process. Practice patience in your endeavours, knowing that true success comes from perseverance and steady effort.
  5. Tap into Inner Power: When faced with challenges, remind yourself of your past victories and the inner strength that got you through. Use this inner power to face new obstacles with confidence.

The Strength tarot card is a profound symbol of inner power, courage, and the compassionate control of our primal instincts. Whether it appears upright or reversed, The Strength card invites you to harness your inner strength, embrace patience, and lead with kindness in all areas of life. By embodying the qualities of Strength, you can navigate life's challenges with grace, inspire those around you, and cultivate a life of balance, harmony, and inner peace.

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